Turnitin provides instructors with the tools to engage students in the writing process, provide personalized feedback, and assess student progress over time. Turnitin is used by more than 30 million students at 15,000 institutions in 150 countries.


Turnitin provides instructors with the tools to engage students in the writing process, provide personalized feedback, and assess student progress over time. Turnitin is used by more than 30 million students at 15,000 institutions in 150 countries.


The open and global exchange of ideas and trade makes the world a stronger and more interconnected place. Freedom of speech and movement across borders is a necessary part of that global exchange.


We advocate for the protection and safeguarding of our users’ data in our interactions with our customers, with other companies, and with governments. Companies must work to maintain user trust in that stewardship.


These principles are true for every person, regardless of nationality, race, gender or religion. Any action that systemically discriminates against any class of people is harmful to the whole of society.

Turnitin is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse working environment. In June of 2016, we were one of 33 technology companies to sign the first Tech Inclusion Pledge, in which we agreed to complete the following:

  • Implement and publish company-specific goals to recruit, retain, and advance diverse technology talent, and operationalize concrete measures to create and sustain an inclusive culture
  • Annually publish data and progress metrics on the diversity of our technology workforce across functional areas and seniority levels;
  • Invest in partnerships to build a diverse pipeline of technology talent to increase our ability to recognize, develop and support talent from all backgrounds.

See more : turnitin.com