MedicinesComplete is an online platform which offers access to world leading drug and healthcare resources. Medicines Complete unique collection of clinically-proven, unbiased pharmaceutical information provides practical guidance and insight to pharmaceutical and clinical practitioners, researchers, and regulatory professionals.

MedicinesComplete offers access to comprehensive and regularly updated medical information. It offers the confidence to safely prescribe medication to patients, be sure that research can be supported with unbiased facts and to provide globally relevant information for the best education.

MedicinesComplete supports both searching within a title and an integrated search across all titles, bringing together a wealth of evidence based, unbiased and regularly updated information:

  • More than 20,000 drug, poison, interaction and herbal monographs
  • Information to support prescribing, dispensing and administering drugs and medicines
  • Up-to-date guidance on disease treatments, disease management and therapeutics
  • Information on analysing, formulating and preparing drugs, medicines, and many other pharmaceutical products
  • The combined knowledge of hundreds of leading experts, scientists and researchers
  • Over 100,000 references original research, scientific papers, reports and case studies
  • International coverage from over 50 countries